82 Days In…..

This was the last moment I had to myself on our wedding day. I was in deep thought about what was transpiring. I really had no idea just how much my life was going to change. I miss solitude at times. I never fully understood how coming home alone was my way of recharging myContinue reading “82 Days In…..”

30 Days….We Made It! Lol!

Can’t let the day pass without acknowledging my husband on a successful month of marriage, lol! 30 days ago we said I do and I’ve watched us grow tremendously in a short timespan. Everything hasn’t been all peachy, lol…we’d be lying if we said otherwise. We’ve seen the best and worst of each other butContinue reading “30 Days….We Made It! Lol!”

Day 40: The Probation Period (look it up 😉)

I’ve found out communication in marriage is no walk in the park, lol! The slightest disagreement seems world crashing (so petty) lol! Although this is temporary if you don’t get a handle on communication expectations NOW you’re headed for trouble. 🙄🤔😂 On a brighter note 😬😬: My husband is a chameleon, seriously. I can countContinue reading “Day 40: The Probation Period (look it up 😉)”

It’s Our 2 Month-iversary!!

In 60 days we’ve seen the best and worst of each other. We’ve explored depths of our personalities that we weren’t aware of. We’re learning to co-habitat. We’re learning our strengths and weaknesses. We’re simply doing life together and I couldn’t imagine taking this journey with anyone else. I know this time is a dropContinue reading “It’s Our 2 Month-iversary!!”

It’s Our 3-Monthiversary!!

Yesterday I learned some things about my husband’s childhood that I never knew. I mentioned that to remind ourselves that life is all about discovery and marriage is no different. Personally, I share everything. If you are my friend or even a close associate at some point you’ve heard deep things about my life becauseContinue reading “It’s Our 3-Monthiversary!!”

105 days in……

So today I realized 2 things: 1. I love family time (always have but it’s different now) 👪 2. I never fully understood the babysitter struggle, lol!!💁🏻 Marrying someone with a child/ren completely changes things. You instantly become a parent (ready or not 😳) and your life embodies that responsibility. I have to say, it’sContinue reading “105 days in……”

It’s our 4 Month-iversary!!

My husband has proven his ability to love people no matter what, even when he’s not feeling them (me included) lol!! His heart is huge and his desire to improve every aspect of his life is even larger. The past 30 days came with arguments, disagreements and significantly differing opinions on a couple matters inContinue reading “It’s our 4 Month-iversary!!”

It’s Our 5-Monthiversary!!

A day late….but I’m sticking to this, lol! It’s our 5-monthiversary… We’re still learning lots about ourselves and each other. Listen, idk how some of y’all lived with your gf/bf for years…this is rough! LOL! I am not at all used to sharing space and hubby is quite the opposite. I did not have theContinue reading “It’s Our 5-Monthiversary!!”